Venue and Hotel


The conference will be held at Wieboldt Hall in Northwestern University's downtown campus.

Location and Logistics: Entrance to the building is on 339 E. Chicago Ave.

  • Tuesday – Thursday: The conference will be held in room 147 on the first floor. Staff will be stationed near the room to provide programs and name badges to guests when they arrive.
  • Friday: We will be using 147, as well as 3 classrooms on the 3rd floor on Friday. Breakfast will be stationed outside 147, the morning (10AM) and afternoon (3PM) breaks will be stationed on the 3rd floor. Please see the room numbers for each workshop below:
    • Room 305: iEdge: Intelligent Edge Computing for Data-Rich Applications
    • Room 307: Workshop on Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Agent Systems
    • Room 309: DeNetS: Decision-making in Networked Systems
    • Room 147: Queuing Theory for Emerging Classical and Quantum Systems
  • Lunch: All lunches for the week will be in room 540
  • Dinner: On Wednesday evening, a cocktail hour will be held at 5:00pm in room 440 and dinner will follow at 6:00pm just up the stairs in room 540.


We have a hotel block OMNI Chicago hotel downtown (booking deadline of October 24, 2023).

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